General questions
What GPL means ?
GPL stands for General Public License. It is a type of license used for software and other types of works that grants users the freedom to use, study, modify and distribute the work as they see fit. The GPL was created by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and it is one of the most widely used open-source software licenses. The GPL ensures that users have the right to access, modify, and share software with others, as long as they also distribute the software under the same GPL terms. This means that the software can be improved and built upon by the community, leading to the creation of better, more advanced versions of the software.Do you provide any trial?
No, we don't provide a trial for the themes and plugins provided on our platform. We provide GPL products, so it is not possible for us to provide the trial. We do provide a 7-days money-back guarantee for our customers. In case a product doesn' work for you, you can request a refund within 7 days.How can I get your membership free?
Yes, you can get Srmehranclub membership for free. If you buy a hosting service from our affiliate links, you get free Bronze membership for 5 years. You will get 10 downloads per day with this membership plan.Can you extend help in recommending a theme for my website?
Unfortunately, we do not offer any web designing services. However, the good news is that our website offers a wide variety of WordPress themes, so we are sure that you will find a suitable match for your website. If you have made a list of desired features for your website with a particular color in mind, you will land on the most suitable one. Our most convenient search features include website navigation by tags and brands. With a direct link to the developer's website, each product is just a click away. You can explore the product, investigate the features, and look up demo pages and reviews on the developer's website. So, the appropriate website purchase decision is as easy as never before.Where can I find the customer testimonials?
Our company is proud to have received numerous positive customer testimonials for our competitive products. If you are interested in viewing these testimonials, we invite you to visit our Trustpilot profile at Srmehranclub Reviews, where you can browse through a wealth of excellent customer feedback. Thank you for considering our products and we hope to exceed your expectations.I downloaded the product from another site, and it does not work. Will it work if I download it from you?
It will work if you download it from our website because we assure you of the originality of all the products. If our products are not working, you can claim a refund as we have a 7-day money-back guarantee with T&c apply.How long can I use the purchased products?
The good news is that all products purchased from our website can be used for a lifetime.On how many websites can I use purchased products?
The use of purchased products from our website is unlimited. You can use these products on an unlimited number of websites or domains.
Legal & Safety and Guarantees
The downloaded product does not work without entering a license key.
In case the downloaded product does not work without a license key, we suggest you create a request to our support service through the ticketing system on the website. If the product does not work without activation, our team will create a NULLED version so that you can use the product.
At our company, we have a dedicated technical team working to provide "Nulled" versions of products. This ensures that our products are compatible with an unlimited number of websites. Along with the "Nulled" version, we also provide the original, unmodified version of the product to protect it from any potential impact on its functionality. This approach safeguards our customers from malicious code or ads that could be present in the files.
We guarantee 100% original products; hence all the purchase proofs are added to the Product page. If you don't find the purchase proof for any product, you can write to us via a ticket. We will provide proof of purchase on demand.
Are all the Software Genuine?
Yes! 100%. All The products on this website are Genuine. All the Featured Products have an active subscription of its Author on our website. We get products directly from the Authors and make them available for you and this process is not altered at any place.The downloaded product does not work without entering a license key.
In case the downloaded product does not work without a license key, we suggest you create a request to our support service through the ticketing system on the website. If the product does not work without activation, our team will create a NULLED version so that you can use the product.
What is the guarantee that the website's products do not contain malicious codes, viruses, or advertisements?
We offer products purchased and downloaded directly from the developers, and none are downloaded from third-party resources. Hence, the chances of viruses and malicious code are close to none. Even for the nulled products, our team of experts has prepared all these versions under strict supervision, so no files pass through “third hands.” Hence, we guarantee virus-free products.Based on your company portfolio, I thought you didn't provide nulled or activated versions of any product, and all products were 100% genuine, but this is not the case. Please explain.
We started this venture in June 2016 because we had been dealing in 100% genuine products, creating a hallmark of excellence for our company. But since last year, we have started offering some nulled products that are activated manually due to customer demand and market trends. There were many requests for products that needed some changes, so we were bound to look for nulled versions. However, we guarantee original products with purchase proof on our website. Even for the nulled versions, the original version of the products has been purchased officially and legally.What does “Nulled” signify in the downloaded files?
The term "Nulled" refers to a product that has already been activated with a license key. Some original products require activation with a license key to fully function. However, if you aim to use the product without activating it, it is necessary to modify the PHP/JS code slightly to bypass the license protection process. Once this modification is made, the product is labeled as "Nulled."At our company, we have a dedicated technical team working to provide "Nulled" versions of products. This ensures that our products are compatible with an unlimited number of websites. Along with the "Nulled" version, we also provide the original, unmodified version of the product to protect it from any potential impact on its functionality. This approach safeguards our customers from malicious code or ads that could be present in the files.
In the downloaded archive, Virustotal service detected a virus ?
VirusTotal is a service that merges multiple services and companies, so a virus detected by VirusTotal cannot be designated as trustworthy because we deal in multiple products. Some products may appear malicious due to false reports generated by VirusTotal.What does purchase proof entail? Can I get proof of purchase of the product?
Purchase proof is in the form of a screenshot from our account on the developer's website, which confirms that a specific product is officially purchased and all its related themes and plugins are downloaded directly from the developer. Purchase proof confirms that the customer is receiving the officially purchased and original product.We guarantee 100% original products; hence all the purchase proofs are added to the Product page. If you don't find the purchase proof for any product, you can write to us via a ticket. We will provide proof of purchase on demand.
Product updates
We understand that you may have noticed a product on our website that is not yet available in the latest version. Please rest assured that we will make every effort to update the product as soon as possible. Sometime keeping all products up-to-date is a significant challenge due to our extensive product range. However, our team is dedicated to providing you with the latest versions of all our products.
If you come across a product that needs updating, simply log in to your account, request an update, and include the version number. Our representatives will ensure that the requested version is updated as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and trust in our company.
Before uploading the product, be sure to check the downloaded file to see if it's installable. If it's not, extract it first and look for an installable zip file, usually called "". Then, do the typical installation in the WordPress dashboard by uploading the product.
Finally, if a notification appears asking you for two options, please select "Replace current with uploaded" to finalize the update. This will update the old copy without affecting any saved unless you changed the custom code.
Why isn't the latest product version available on your website?
We take pride in our commitment to providing our customers with the latest versions of all our products. Our dedicated team of professionals works diligently to ensure that our product collection is updated frequently, typically every 2-3 days, with the latest themes and plugins.We understand that you may have noticed a product on our website that is not yet available in the latest version. Please rest assured that we will make every effort to update the product as soon as possible. Sometime keeping all products up-to-date is a significant challenge due to our extensive product range. However, our team is dedicated to providing you with the latest versions of all our products.
If you come across a product that needs updating, simply log in to your account, request an update, and include the version number. Our representatives will ensure that the requested version is updated as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and trust in our company.
How can I manually update an already installed product?
You can update manually through the WordPress dashboard. To do this, you'll need to download the latest version of the product from our site. If you have purchased an individual product, you can download it directly from the "My account > download" page. If you have a membership, you can download it directly from the product page.Before uploading the product, be sure to check the downloaded file to see if it's installable. If it's not, extract it first and look for an installable zip file, usually called "". Then, do the typical installation in the WordPress dashboard by uploading the product.
Finally, if a notification appears asking you for two options, please select "Replace current with uploaded" to finalize the update. This will update the old copy without affecting any saved unless you changed the custom code.
Installation and using
Most premium themes come with documentation that includes installation instructions. Follow the instructions carefully and ensure that you are installing the correct file.
If you have downloaded the correct file and the error persists, ensure that the file is not corrupted. Try downloading the file again or download it from a different source.
If you continue to experience issues, contact the theme developer or their support team for further assistance. They will be able to guide you through the installation process or provide a solution to the error message.
Our demo data in the plugins and themes is aimed at providing a demonstration of the product features. There is a possibility that the developers have not timely updated the demo data after a product update. The demo data may not necessarily contain the images because the developer does not own the extended license to use them. Hence the result the user gets after importing the demo data may not match the developer's demo site.
We apologize for not being able to provide our customers with images or any other material that the theme author or the plugin from the demo data intentionally removes. Hence, neither we nor the developer of the product claim that your site will be fully similar to the developer's demo site.
What hosting requirements do you suggest for the installation and use of products?
We recommend that our prestigious buyers look for minimum requirements before making any purchase decision. Make sure that the hosting meets the minimum requirements prescribed below:- Apache module mod_rewrite
- MariaDB version 10.1+ or MySQL version 5.7+
- PHP version 7.2 or 7.4 (versions 7.0, 7.1, 7.3, 8.0, 8.1 may create compatibility issues)
- Web server based on NGINX or Apache having 512MB of RAM
- Upload_max_filesize = 512M
- Post_max_size = 512M
- Memory_limit = 512M
- Max_input_vars = 5000
- Max_execution_time = 600
What hosting do you recommend for WordPress?
We highly value the quality of our services and products, and therefore, we take great care when it comes to recommending hosting options for WordPress websites. Our top recommendation is Hosting Dreeamhost, Interserver etc which we consider to be one of the best hosting providers for WordPress websites. Their services are reliable, efficient, and come with a range of features that cater to the needs of WordPress websites.How to Handle The Situation When Installing The Theme, an Error Occurs: The Package Could Not be Installed. Is the theme Missing The style.css Stylesheet?
If you encounter an error message that says, "The package could not be installed. Is the theme missing the style.css stylesheet?" during the theme installation, it typically indicates that you are trying to install the wrong file.Most premium themes come with documentation that includes installation instructions. Follow the instructions carefully and ensure that you are installing the correct file.
If you have downloaded the correct file and the error persists, ensure that the file is not corrupted. Try downloading the file again or download it from a different source.
If you continue to experience issues, contact the theme developer or their support team for further assistance. They will be able to guide you through the installation process or provide a solution to the error message.
How would you suggest troubleshooting issues with the installation of demo data?
We have shortlisted the major causes of errors and issues with demo data installation, and we recommend that our customers look for the following cases, which may lead to errors. Avoiding these factors will ensure a smooth demo data installation.- There may be miscellaneous Javascript errors; open the F12 developer console and look for the text of the error.
- There is a mismatch between the themes and installed plugins. Try disabling redundant plugins before you import the demo data.
- The server may have some obsolete or incompatible version of PHP with the theme. Try updating the version to 7.2 or 7.4.
- The import script may be mismatched with the browser. Try using Chrome instead of Firefox or vice versa.
- Improper or not configured PHP on the server. In this case, increase memory_limit, _execution time, and max_input_vars.
- Firewall may block the execution of scripts over the page. Temporarily deactivate the antivirus, particularly in the case of a local server.
- Disabled XML/XMLReader extension in PHP settings.
- Browser add-ons may interrupt with JS scripts. Disable browser add-ons.
- Ensure that all the mandatory plugins that are part of the theme are installed.
- Adguard advertising blocker may block the performance of JS scripts. Temporarily disable Adguard.
Our demo data in the plugins and themes is aimed at providing a demonstration of the product features. There is a possibility that the developers have not timely updated the demo data after a product update. The demo data may not necessarily contain the images because the developer does not own the extended license to use them. Hence the result the user gets after importing the demo data may not match the developer's demo site.
We apologize for not being able to provide our customers with images or any other material that the theme author or the plugin from the demo data intentionally removes. Hence, neither we nor the developer of the product claim that your site will be fully similar to the developer's demo site.
How can I hide license reminders or usage keys?
Consider hiding the license activation reminders through a plugin like " Disable admin notices individually " This plugin is free and very popular in the WordPress community. Make sure to check the official documentation for more information!Why are these plugins and/or themes asking me for a license key?
Simply ignore these requests. Developers include them so that the plugin or theme can update automatically, and so that you can register for support. The item itself will work perfectly fine without entering anything in the box. We recommend updating your theme and plugins manually as updates become available on our site.
Unlike most free GPL websites, We believe in customer satisfaction. That is why we are willing to give you a full refund in case our products don't work and if we are unable to resolve your problem. We will process your request for a refund and credit the amount back to your account as soon as possible.
Refund Process- When you make the cancellation request for the membership, we review it and forward it to the concerned bank for further processing. The money will be credited back to your account as per the bank's schedule. Generally, it can take between 7 to 10 days for the refund to take place. If you don't get a refund in this timeline, you can reach out to us for further assistance. We'll guide you through the refund process and answer all your queries and concerns regarding the process.
Terms & Conditions for the Refund No Refund for the Super One Membership Plan - We don't provide a refund for the Super One plan. So, even if you claim within 7 days, you won't be able to apply for a refund. The refund policy applies to all the membership plans except this one.
No Refund for Bitcoin Purchases - If you have purchased the plan with Bitcoin, you won't get a refund for it. The refund works for non-crypto currencies as the request is processed by your respective bank.
No Refund for Future Updates - If you download a product and it works fine for you, then you probably won't need a refund. But if the same product gets updated and stops working for you, then you won't get a refund for it. Please read the Update terms and conditions to learn more about this. Due to the nature of Service, we don't claim but we always try to keep updating all the products ASAP.
Support on Request - We offer our support services on request. Since we don't own the original products, we don't handle the support for them and there will be no refund in this scenario. Being a 3rd party seller, we don't provide support unless you request it.
Plugin Support - If you are having issues with a plugin and you are not willing to share access to check and resolve the issue, then it is going to make you ineligible for the refund. We need to check the server and optimize it to meet the installation requirements of the downloaded product. Also, you can visit the plugin developer's website to see any specific server requirements or settings that you might need to change to make the plugin work.
Reselling is Not Allowed - You can share the products you download from our platform with a friend or a client, but you can't resell them. If you are found to be guilty of reselling the product, then we will suspend your account without notification. Also, no refund or reply will be given to you in this case.
Super One Membership Plan - If you want to resell the products downloaded from our website, you'd need to subscribe to the Super One Membership Plan. With this plan, you will get a dedicated Account Manager that will help you set up your business. After purchasing the product or membership, if you changed your mind then no refund will be provided. If you don't have the technical knowledge or skills to use the product then no refund will be provided. Due to the nature of the Service we have the authority to remove any products from our site if we remove then you can't download the product and no refund will be provided for that however hardly we see such a case but if it happens then we will take care of your need and act accordingly or if there are any alternative products then we will try to replace free hope you understand the nature of Service and help accordingly. We don't provide the license key we have already mentioned in our terms we won't refund if you ask for the License key. As We provide GPL products so it is not required. If you purchase by mistake then no refund will be provided even if you haven't downloaded any products as we are third-party sellers accosted with many services once you purchase you have full access to our site as well as security concerns and bad behavior or report against your purchase, also we don't have any control over the products due to GPL License. The whole idea behind our refund policy is to garner feelings of trust with our clients. If you have any questions regarding the refund policy, you can reach out to our customer care at Do you provide 24/7 live chat or phone call support on your site?
Although we try our best to provide support to our customers, we do not extend any claim for 24/7 support. However, because of our excellent customer service, the reports support that our customers can find
What is the guaranteed response time for the support service?
We believe in customer service excellence; hence our customer support team responds within 24 to 48 hours for minor issues. In the case of complicated issues, it may take a maximum of 5 days, depending on the subject under consideration.How do I send a support request? What are tickets?
A ticket is a request initiated to seek assistance on the website. You can create a ticket any time by landing on the Contact Us page. Here, choose the option "Fast Ticket Support" to create a ticket.Is it possible to get support from the developer via Srmehranclub?
The answer to your question is no because we are third-party developers dealing in a vast collection of products. So direct support from the developer at our end is impossible. However, we try our best to provide all kinds of technical support to the customers for all products purchased.Can I get a refund ?
Srmehranclub is leading the way by offering a 7-day money-back guarantee.Unlike most free GPL websites, We believe in customer satisfaction. That is why we are willing to give you a full refund in case our products don't work and if we are unable to resolve your problem. We will process your request for a refund and credit the amount back to your account as soon as possible.
Refund Process- When you make the cancellation request for the membership, we review it and forward it to the concerned bank for further processing. The money will be credited back to your account as per the bank's schedule. Generally, it can take between 7 to 10 days for the refund to take place. If you don't get a refund in this timeline, you can reach out to us for further assistance. We'll guide you through the refund process and answer all your queries and concerns regarding the process.
Terms & Conditions for the Refund No Refund for the Super One Membership Plan - We don't provide a refund for the Super One plan. So, even if you claim within 7 days, you won't be able to apply for a refund. The refund policy applies to all the membership plans except this one.
No Refund for Bitcoin Purchases - If you have purchased the plan with Bitcoin, you won't get a refund for it. The refund works for non-crypto currencies as the request is processed by your respective bank.
No Refund for Future Updates - If you download a product and it works fine for you, then you probably won't need a refund. But if the same product gets updated and stops working for you, then you won't get a refund for it. Please read the Update terms and conditions to learn more about this. Due to the nature of Service, we don't claim but we always try to keep updating all the products ASAP.
Support on Request - We offer our support services on request. Since we don't own the original products, we don't handle the support for them and there will be no refund in this scenario. Being a 3rd party seller, we don't provide support unless you request it.
Plugin Support - If you are having issues with a plugin and you are not willing to share access to check and resolve the issue, then it is going to make you ineligible for the refund. We need to check the server and optimize it to meet the installation requirements of the downloaded product. Also, you can visit the plugin developer's website to see any specific server requirements or settings that you might need to change to make the plugin work.
Reselling is Not Allowed - You can share the products you download from our platform with a friend or a client, but you can't resell them. If you are found to be guilty of reselling the product, then we will suspend your account without notification. Also, no refund or reply will be given to you in this case.
Super One Membership Plan - If you want to resell the products downloaded from our website, you'd need to subscribe to the Super One Membership Plan. With this plan, you will get a dedicated Account Manager that will help you set up your business. After purchasing the product or membership, if you changed your mind then no refund will be provided. If you don't have the technical knowledge or skills to use the product then no refund will be provided. Due to the nature of the Service we have the authority to remove any products from our site if we remove then you can't download the product and no refund will be provided for that however hardly we see such a case but if it happens then we will take care of your need and act accordingly or if there are any alternative products then we will try to replace free hope you understand the nature of Service and help accordingly. We don't provide the license key we have already mentioned in our terms we won't refund if you ask for the License key. As We provide GPL products so it is not required. If you purchase by mistake then no refund will be provided even if you haven't downloaded any products as we are third-party sellers accosted with many services once you purchase you have full access to our site as well as security concerns and bad behavior or report against your purchase, also we don't have any control over the products due to GPL License. The whole idea behind our refund policy is to garner feelings of trust with our clients. If you have any questions regarding the refund policy, you can reach out to our customer care at Do you provide 24/7 live chat or phone call support on your site?
Although we try our best to provide support to our customers, we do not extend any claim for 24/7 support. However, because of our excellent customer service, the reports support that our customers can find
May I receive support in my regional language?
Yes, you may receive support in any language if you opt for Live Chat. On Live Chat, utilize the auto translator in the advanced tool to receive support in your desired language. If you choose to communicate through means other than Live Chat, you will need to use either English.Does the Technical Support is Offered?
Due to the nature of our repository, we do not offer/claim any support or technical support for themes, plugins, or WooCommerce extensions. no technical support is provided. For you have to buy the product from the original Developers or Authors. Technical support is based on request so you can connect us if you are facing any issue we will help you to resolve the issue ASAP.
Payment & Downloads
It's important to note that downloads are only permitted for ongoing projects, and not for creating a database. Please refer to our terms and conditions for further information.
What payment methods do you provide?
We offer multiple payment methods to facilitate our prestigious customers. You can opt for any of the convenient and suitable methods, including PayPal and Razorpay & Stripe to accept all sorts of master visa cards, debit and credit cards, American Express, and also available Crypto payment transfer. We have also started accepting direct bank transfers for customers in five countries: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the UK, and the US. For direct bank transfers, click on the link asking for bank details, and our representatives will send you bank details personally. Once the transfer is complete, you can send us a screenshot so that your order is confirmed manually.Can I utilize download manager software such as IDM or other programs to download any product from your website?
No, we do not permit downloading through extensions, as our software detects mass downloading. If any suspicious activity is detected, the account will be immediately suspended.Are there any restrictions on downloading products from your website?
Answer: Yes, the download restrictions vary based on the membership plan you have selected. For instance, customers with a Starter membership plan are allowed to download up to 5 products per day, while those with a Standard plan can download up to 15 products per day. Customers with Premium and Bronze membership plans can download up to 15 and 10 products per day, respectively. Lifetime members, on the other hand, can download up to 20 products per day.It's important to note that downloads are only permitted for ongoing projects, and not for creating a database. Please refer to our terms and conditions for further information.